Thursday, January 16, 2020

Silver-filled Inlaid Turquoise Ring

Today I finished a ring I started before Christmas. I had to keep putting it away due to usage of my workroom and worktables.  All week, except Tuesday I have been working on it and this is the finished results.  I'm okay with it.  It could use some more work but I can't do any more to it because I'm afraid if I sand anymore on it I will be down to the brass in the silver-filled piece.  I had originally started out making a copper one. It is ready for the stone but I decided to jump into some silver.  After completing this one to  where it is, I am going to venture into making one of sterling silver, not silver-filled.  It will cost a lot more but it will be worth it.  And now that I know what I'm doing, it shouldn't take as long to make either. Unless I have to put stuff away every time I get going on it! I need a whole room just for this type of work!

When I started making the ring it was a size 8 and when I finished, it was still a size 8!  I did something right there!!!

This was fun to make and I would like to make some inlaid pendants some time too.  And of course I will share them with you once I've made them.

I will post the copper one once it's done too.

Thank you for taking a look,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for leaving me a comment! The ring looks gorgeous to me! Bet you'll get lots of compliments wearing it!
